MA 242 003

WMS 2215, MoWeFr 11:45–12:35, 

Spring 2020

Instructor: Dmitry Zenkov
Office: SAS 3150
Phone: 515–4201
Office hours: TBA
Text: Calculus for Engineers and Scientists, Vol. III, by J.E. Franke, J.R. Griggs, and L.K. Norris, available through WebAssign
Prerequisites: MA 241; grade C or higher
Class policy:
  • Regular class attendance is expected
  • WebAssign homework is a required component of MA242 and is an important part of preparation for exams
  • Personal travel plans cannot be considered as a reason for making up the exams
  • Anticipated and/or emergency absences must be reported before the test dates and should be appropriately documented
  • Missing a test because of an undocumented reason will result in a zero score for that test
  • No re-tests will be given
  • The lowest test grade will be replaced with the final exam grade
  • The final exam is cumulative and mandatory
  • All exams are closed book/notes
  • Nonprogrammable calculators are allowed
Topics to be covered:
  • Vectors, vector algebra, and vector functions
  • Functions of several variables, partial derivatives, gradients, directional derivatives, maxima and mimima
  • Multiple integration
  • Line and surface integrals, Green's theorem, divergence theorem, Stokes' theorem, and applications
  • Exams: 60%
  • Final exam: 25%
  • WebAssign: 15%
  • A: 90–100, B: 80–89, C: 70–79, D: 60–69, F: below 60, with the cutoffs for the +/- grades determined at the end of the semester
Exam schedule:
  • Exam 1: January 27
  • Exam 2: February 24
  • Exam 3: March 23
  • Exam 4: April 13
  • Final exam: May 4, 9:00–12:00
Some suggestions:
  • Read the text before it is covered in class
  • Study on regular basis and do not fall behind
  • Learn the definitions, concepts, and ideas, do not resort to just problem solving
  • Get your questions answered (in class, during office hours, etc)
Academic Integrity Statement: Students are expected to follow University guidelines (available here)
Reasonable accommodations will be made for students with verifiable disabilities. In order to take advantage of available accommodations, students must register with Disability Resource Office, Holmes Hall, Suite 304, Campus Box 7509, 515–7653. For more information on NC State's policy on working with students with disabilities, please see the Academic Accommodations for Students with Disabilities Regulation (REG02.20.1)